Energy is essential to our modern way of life, but the way we produce and consume it is changing. As we move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable sources of energy, the infrastructure that supports our power supply needs to change too. This is where Nexus Infrastructure comes in. They are all about enabling the energy transition by delivering sustainable infrastructure in the UK. They work with communities, businesses and government to develop solutions that are fit for the future.

Here at Capture House, we were thrilled when Nexus Infrastructure commissioned us to come to their office in Essex and shoot some promotional photos and video content. We understand the importance of having high-quality, dynamic content on your website and social media platforms, and we are always up for a challenge. Our team had a great time working with the Nexus Infrastructure team, and we are very happy with the results. We hope that our photos and videos will help Nexus Infrastructure to reach even more people and continue to grow their business. Thank you for choosing Capture House!